Saturday, October 20, 2012

 I drive the roads of southern Alberta to the west of Lethbridge and I notice the wind, the snow drifts and I wonder why has nothing ever been done about this.  Even in the “Dirty 30’s,” when the dust blew all over the land we invented strip farming and other techniques but amazingly enough the obvious has still alluded the Southern Albertan.   In Britain they have hedgerows.  Here in southern Alberta we plant caragana trees to act as hedgerows in certain places.  But only on farms around the house it seems.  Now, if you go to BC and drive on Vancouver Island the strip of land between the roads on the highway is usually filled with trees.  If the farmers were to plant caragana along the fence lines would dramatically cut down on wind, soil erosion and would add places for water and snow to build up.  Also planting of evergreens in the meridians between the roads on major highways would dramatically stop the wind and drifts on the roads.  Also planting trees along the ditches and caraganas as the first break this would stop the wind and snow drifts and would also drastically reduce the icing of the roads.  This would green Alberta and make the roads more drivable in all sorts of weather.  And why not, BC has proven the trees work it’s not that hard to plant.  Even if every farmer planted a caragana hedge and a couple of trees now and again and the government did same it would be done in 20 years time.  

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